
Mit Spanien gekennzeichnete Beiträge

Trash creates work

A moment ago I’ve tal­ked with one of my flat­ma­tes over the typi­cal ger­man phe­no­me­non of the sepa­ra­ti­on of was­te for recy­cling. In Madrid they throw near­ly all in one trash bin. Only for a few things such glass or bot­t­les does exist sepa­ra­te was­te containers.

He think that the sepa­ra­ti­on of was­te were espe­cial­ly in Madrid an important field of work for immi­grants and very poor peop­le. (Many immi­grants are living in Madrid, spe­cial­ly from South Ame­ri­ca. That’s why the local government did­n’t want to bring the peop­le to sepa­ra­ti­on of was­te, becau­se that would mean that many poor (and low-qua­li­fied) peop­le here did­n’t have work longer.

And it’s com­mon that that job mar­ket here did­n’t offers many oppor­tu­nities for many peop­le becau­se the „cri­sis” (a word that I’ve heard here often yet). The unem­ploy­ment figu­res are twice tall as in Germany.

That’s also a way for crea­ting work. By that it comes to my mind that we have enough work. It’s all about the distribution.