
Reflection of ways with a GPS logger

The last two days were a GPS log­ger run­ning on my iPho­ne. Yes­ter­day and today in the evening I’ve loo­ked the logs in Goog­le Earth and think that this was very use­ful. If they go through the ways you’­ve wal­ked all the day in the head and see at the same time a com­ple­te map from the envi­ron­ment, they get pro­bab­ly a bet­ter ori­en­ta­ti­on much faster.

I know for examp­le now exact­ly why I’ve get lost in the city yes­ter­day and would­n’t get lost any­mo­re. I can recom­mend GPS log­ger to get a bet­ter ori­en­ta­ti­on in unknown cities much faster.